Fun Fish Fact Friday!

There are a lot of awesome things going on in Dragon Saga and ROSE Online! Dragon Saga has a new President, the impeccable Husky who is now presiding over the city of Port of Winds and handing out nifty Husky Balloons! ROSE Online is about to go into Anniversary Celebration mode, where everyone will be able to visit Birth Isle again, followed by the arrival of the 12 days of Christmas events!

But because it is Friday, I would like to take a moment to share some off topic content with you. I will try to post Fun Fish Facts every Friday I can!

To kick things off, I am going to focus on my favorite fish, sharks. In particular, the thresher shark!

The worried face of the Thresher shark. So cute.

Thresher sharks are named for the long tail fins they have. They actually use these to smack and stun prey.

He looks concerned about this picture being taken.

These guys usually nom on schooling fish, squid and cuttlefish, but mainly they hang out in open water and are introverts (for the most part these guys are loners and want to be left alone)

They are also the source of some really cute memes and the inspiration for some really adorable shark gifs

Pasted image at 2016_12_02 10_38

We believe you! Kind of!

That’s fair. Dolphins can be jerks sometimes tiny shark friend!

Also, in celebration of Friday, I want to make sure anyone who likes sharks or puppies is aware of Shark Puppy, the most adorable of shark or puppy comics.

I will be making a post for Dragon Saga and ROSE Online here in just a little bit as well! I hope you all have a fantastic Friday! If you have a favorite fish, let me know and I can try and feature that in a future Fish Fact Friday post!


CM Dragonlark




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