Full Battle Cleric Build – ROSE Online

As I have mentioned before, I am a bit of an altaholic. This makes it difficult to get a character to max level, because I am constantly switching between different classes and characters and wanting to start over to try new things. However, this last year I did manage to get a Cleric to level 230. I did this without dungeons and without groups, while keeping questing to a minimum. I’ve had a couple of people mention this is unusual, so I would like to share the build I used.


First, it helps if you are used to solo leveling in an mmo environment. It is certainly fun to level in groups and chatter but I was mainly interested in learning how to solo my way through the game in what would be a most enjoyable and natural route for my own play style. I tried throwing my points into healing and buffs a bit and found I died fairly quickly, so I decided around level 100 to become a full battle cleric to help my survivability.

This is the build I was using when I reached level 230

FullBattle Cleric Build pt 1

FullBattle Cleric Build pt 2

FullBattle Cleric Build pt 3

FullBattle Cleric Build pt 4


Now some of this can be moved around a bit. I rarely used Mana Wave, and I usually forgot to use Sleep although it probably would have helped me survive a couple of times when I pulled more than I could handle. For the most part I used my swords to keep aggro to myself to a minimum and pulled one or two mobs at a time, using mana shield and food with bigger groups and Captain or General level mobs. I’m not going to lie, having reinforced gear helped a lot as well, and I leveled a lot during weekend and the share-a-thon events as well. I occasionally used boosters, but only what I picked up along the way from events. There were a couple of times someone would buff me, but towards the end, especially once I hit Orlo, that wasn’t necessary and I soloed through the last 30 or so levels killing Terrasaurus and Snappers without buffs for the most part.


For Stat Points, I maxed out INT then spread my points out around Dex, Con and Sen (with perhaps a little more in DEX than the other two)

With this build I was able to solo level with relative ease, including the Faith Quest that was needed to get into Orlo at the time. There are definitely a lot of other builds that would work, but this is what I used and it worked for me! If you have any feedback for me on this or have a build that works for you that you would like to see highlighted, send me a message on the forums!


Next ROSE Online blog post I am going to talk about the Cleric Ice Dragon build!

<3 Dragonlark


One thought on “Full Battle Cleric Build – ROSE Online

  1. Congrats on doing the OT quest solo. That is not an easy quest to do, especially as a cleric without a party or buffs. Just shows that anything is possible if you want it badly enough.

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