ROSE Online :: An Experience with Maunchausen… Week 5-6

Hey everyone!

My name is ShazamO and I am the new Community Master Manager for ROSE Online.  I am very excited about working on this project and getting my Hawker to a Scout A.S.A.P.!  This blog will be a short detailing about my experiences through ROSE Online.  I hope you enjoy reading my blogs and you will also have a chance to win HUGE prizes!

Week 5-6

Not surprisingly for the most of you, I spent most my time on Kenji Beach killing Krawfy after Krawfy after Krawfy.  If I enjoyed Seafood, I probably would have been in heaven… or died because anyone eating that much seafood wouldn’t live long.  I hit level 60 and continued to kill and quest but luckily, a new event started!  The Graduation event had me going all around the Planet Junon.  My favorite test is the P.E. one since I know a secret back entrance to get to Shannon.  After traveling around for what seems like forever, I got my cap and gown like many of you.

After achieving my Cap and Gown, I headed back to the lovely sands of Kenji Beach started my massacre of Lobsters and such.  The Cap and Gown helped a lot with its costumed bonuses.  After getting help by some friendly Clerics and been lent an amazing bow (Shown above), hitting 70 was nothing but a breeze.  On a side note… never trust a Krawfy with a mustache…

Once I hit level 70, I was able to put on some great gear that got crafted by a fellow player.  Now I’m dressed as a pirate and I feel pretty bad-ass.  Now I’m off to a Luna to explore its vast snowy lands and maybe get a snow-cone.

Thanks for reading guys and gals… and now for the part you guys have been waiting for… how to win prizes!

This week both servers will have a chance to win.

For Draconis… This week to win, you will need to supply to me a silly joke, comment, phrase, whatever can make me chuckle.

1st Winner :: Zurn

It’s pretty much as simple as that.  This could be on this Blog, within a PM on the forums, or in-game.  This joke HAS TO BE CLEAN, no potty-mouths!

If you provide an awesome/funny screenshot… you can win… 400 Item Mall points worth of items or the super-secret box of items!

For Leonis players… you have a chance of winning… 400 Item Mall Points worth of Prizes or 7 Lucky Spin Tokens!

To win, all you have to do is… message me in game with the magic phrase to me in game to Maunchausen.  Remember, you have to be next to me and say the magic phrase.  You can’t whisper this to me, party up and say this to me, or shout it.  The magic phrase is…

“These are not the pancakes I ordered!”

1st Winner :: AoiVC

2nd Winner :: RCHL

Currently, I am hiding somewhere on Luna!

By the by… there is a fake Maunchausen out there! Trying to pose as myself by spelling their name slightly different than mine and rock as the Hawker class.  Watch out for posers!

Thank you guys and gals for checking out my blog. I will do my best to make this a weekly thing so that you guys and gals will have the chance to win awesome prizes and such!

There will be a total of 4 winners this week, 2 from Draconis and 2 from Leonis! I will update this blog post with the winners too.

Continue to be on the lookout for the Experience with Maunchasen! Coming weekly to a monitor near you!


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