Account security reminder

Greetings everyone.

Just a reminder, please practice safe gaming.

Avoid sharing your login information, even with people who you would normally find trustworthy, and make sure not to use passwords that are:

-Easily guessed/common passwords e.g “12345” or “youraccountname” “admin”
-Old passwords e.g. “allmyguildknowsthis” “yourcharactername”
-Information that could be gleaned from your forum account e.g. “myhometown”
-One that was used on other games/forums

The vast majority of unauthorized access cases that the CS Team receives are the result of accounts with improperly safeguarded or outright shared passwords. Please change you passwords if you have not recently, and be sure to avoid the password pitfalls listed above.

Several massively shared accounts have reported an unauthorized access recently, if you believe your account falls into this category, change your password and avoid heartache!

Keep it under your hat!

Thank you.


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