Now a message from our sponsors

Hello everyone,

On, September 30, 2009, marks our official end of our usage of Cogent Communications, Inc. as our ISP since 2003. In the last few years, we have listened to our gaming community and have always try to find ways to better serve you. There are of course, more room for improvement and we will continue to find more and better ways to make it easier to adventure through our games. I am personally very appreciative of the community’s responses and constructive evaluations (good or bad) of our service quality. Reading many of such responses are encouraging, and it proves to be motivational to my team’s continued work in taking steps to improve your gaming experience. I thank you all for your patience, understanding, and most important of all, your support through these last few months of preparations and finally two crazy weeks of moving all those hamster wheels! I am glad that I was able to spend 36+ hour work periods through last minute issues, preparations, and jury duty in between, to bringing you one of many more improvements towards eliminating every bottleneck and roadblocks to your better gaming experience. Last, but not least, I would like to especially thank you all for your understanding of when things do not go quite right and we have to take a little longer to make sure things are done and work correctly.

Thank you for your support,
Productions IT Manager / Systems Administrator


7 thoughts on “Now a message from our sponsors

  1. I’m impressed with how do you move all in that small period of time.

    You need to take care when you remove those wheels, and they weight!, take care in the travel between, and then again take care when you put them again in the new place and teaching them the new place etc.

    And i know because i worked in the past with some hamster wheels, not those of course ^^u. But i have the idea on how much you do in those weeks.

    Good job.

  2. As a fellow systems manager/sysadmin, I know the pain you went through.

    Be assured I admire what you pulled during this transfer :)

  3. Dear Gravity Interactive Inc.,

    I was wondering why I can’t seem to enter one of your mmorpgs called requiem momento mori. I type in my birthday (I’m 17) and submit it but then it just went back to the same page telling me to do it again.

    one of your supporters

  4. It is probably because your are still to young. Requiem is an R rated MMO therefore you need to be 18. sSo in another year you can look at it but until then, it is illegal for you to see that site.

  5. Well, I don’t find that true cuz i logged in with my birthday on another computer just fine so i don’t know if it’s my settings on my computer or wat?

  6. Dear Gravity,

    I was wondering if we could ever look forward to the possibility of a mall item that would be available for purchase unbinding reinforced items from the original character they were equipped to. I think that this would be a huge seller and would be beneficial to the players who spend their hard earned xeons and lant to upgrade reinforced items because then they could be resold.

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