Generation Zombie Announced with CBT Starting Soon!

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Generation Zombie is an upcoming strategy survival game on iOS and Android. With a variety of unique characters to join and form your party, your battles against hordes of undead will always have fun and distinct elements thanks to each character bringing their own ability to the table. Additionally, Synergies are more gameplay elements that bring bonuses to specific pairs of characters.

An outbreak has occurred and zombie have overrun facilities and the area. Survivors are stranded all over and desperate for survival. All ways of normal life have been ended. With a race against time, form your group and battle zombies in waves as you fight to live another day!

A CBT is launching within the next few weeks for Android users globally, on September 14th. The CBT will be open for 2 weeks, until September 28th. Interested players can sign up for the Beta on our official website at .

Generation Zombie is going to be free-to-play and will launch in multiple countries. The game features a card layout, with the player aiming to complete stages in a set number of card moves. The decisions made, including which direction you play your cards and which abilities you use, will make or break your survival. This is a challenging card game with a lot of different enemies, side tasks, items, survivors and more, and we’ll be listening to Beta feedback to incorporate additional changes into the game by the official launch.

We’ll announce more details on the CBT and game in the near future, so be sure to check our blog and your email for updates!

We also invite everyone to follow the official Facebook page at:


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